International Psychodrama News (N-Z)
(Compiled by Adam Blatner, M.D., T.E.P.)

Updated: March 20, 2014
For International News in countries (or organizations) whose names begin with A-E, click here.
For International News in countries (or organizations) whose names begin with F - M, click here.

Here are past items from my webpages that carried news from our psychodrama colleagues internationally.

Norway Poland Portugal Romania
Spain Sweden
Switzerland Taiwan
Ukraine USA
Yugoslavia Russia

Please, let me know what is happening in your country, so we all can become informed. Please see my comments and get ideas as to what to send me by reading my associated website, Survey of International Developments.

Norway: January, 2010: Jana Segula  ( Email: ) writes: We now have three training institutes:
     (1) the Norwegian Psychodrama Institute, in Oslo, founded in 1986 by Eva Rřine and Monica Westberg. This institute is associated with the Norwegian Association for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy; the Nordic Board of Examiners (for psychodrama); Psychodrama Institute fur Europa (PIfE); and FEPTO—the general European organization. .
     (2) the Norwegian Psychodrama Academy in Lier (a rural country side outside of Oslo) started by me and my colleaque Kristina Malm in 2001, associated with FEPTO, British Psychodrama Association and Norwegian Association for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.
     (3) and, most recently, the Trondheim Psychodrama Institute situated in Trondheim (Middle Norway) has been started by Mai Antonsen in 2007, and is associated with Norwegian Association for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.
      All of psychodramatists that run psychodrama education in Norway now have been students there and certified as T.E.P.s by Nordic Board of Examiners.  I myself was a main trainer and supervisor there from 1994 to 2000. At my institute near Oslo, we have had and have three ongoing classes on three different levels with 42-52 students. Our education focuses on classic Morenian psychodrama (philosophy, theory, method) and further on adapting it to different fields of society (through, amongst else, guest teachers and student projects) and finally on education for psychodrama therapists, trainers and supervisors underlining the creative and artistic aspects of psychodrama. Our school is organized as part time and divided in three levels: Group Leadership (3 years), Classic Psychodrama (3 more years) and Therapist/Trainer/Supervisor Education (2 more years). We accept students from all different professions and invest into psychodrama being taken back to a variety of organizations and fields.
        It is still a big challenge to make psychodrama known and accepted in the society, but the progress is visible: the opening to try and embrace the method is slowly widening within therapy, schools, social work and organizations.
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January, 2003: Eduardo Verdu  <> writes:  We have about 300 people involved with psychodrama, and a national organization: Psykodramaforeningen i Norge (PIN); a mixture of journal and newsletter, "Mercurius," published 5 times a year; a website ( ) in Norwegian (at the moment), with information about psychodrama, the institutes, training and psychodramatists. We hope to put up some papers about psychodrama in the future. Our organization is affiliated with both FEPTO and PIFE  ( Psychodrama Institut fur Europa).

    Our training institute has a dual name: Norsk Psykodrama Institutt / Det Norske Moreno Institutt, and it has seven active training groups in different cities, involving about 140 students.  Our major trainers include:  Eva Rřine : ; Eduardo Verdu :  ; Lillian Borge:  ; Gro Slettemark :  ; and  Marc Treadwell :   . Our training doesn't have different "tracks" yet, but we plan a separate type of training for applications of sociodrama and sociometry in organizational development, leadership development and supervision. There isn't much overlap with Playback Theatre at present. (There is another institute that started in Norway last year . Unfortunately we have no information about them at present.)

     Psychodrama was first introduced by Ildri and Bob Ginn and later on Eva Rřine started the Norwegian Psychodrama Insitute in 1986. She is the pioneer in Norway. The institute and structure of the education has slowly been built up over the years and is now spread over all Norway. In Bodř ( Northern Norway ) a psychiatric hospital has been buying educations from us since 1996 . University hospital in Tromsř ( even further north ) starts in 2003 with assistant level education. In the last few years psychodrama has moved from Oslo to Bergen, Trondheim, Bodř, and Tromsř; and we are aiming to start another group in Aarhus/Denmark in june 2003.  The main books being used by students in training include those in Norwegian by Eva Rřine and others by Peter Kellermann, Adam Blatner, Leif Dag Blomkvist, and of course Moreno, and some others. Our students read the professional literature in English, a few prefer German, and a few books are translated to Swedish which is easy for us to understand.

Paraguay: May, 2001: Heve Otero <> writes: As part of our training program we are developing social projects through the school addressing the problems of street kids and orphans. There are 7 new and excellent directors. The texts we are reading, other than Moreno, are Introduction to Psychodrama by Maria del Carmen Bello of Mexico and Theory and Technique of Psychodrama, by Jaime Rojas Bermudez .

Poland (2008): Elisabeth/Elzbieta Bochenska Schjetne , a trainer in both Norway and Poland, writes in July, 2008: I am working/training with a third training group in Poland, my native country; our 8th gathering is in November this year. Most of them are MD psychiatrists and rest psychologists. age 30 - 50. The Polish Institute of Psychodrama is located in Cracow. This year I am invited to sit in the exam commission, both in Norway in August and in Poland/Cracow in November 2008.
  2005: Poland: "Mateusz Hudzik" <> writes in March: There are a few books of psychodrama in polish. One of them is Brian Way's "Drama in nurturing children and adolescents", publ. Warsaw 1995 (a book on drama in education). Another book is  Eva Roine's "Psychodrama" publ.Kielce 1993; and also Aichinger Alfons, Holl Walter "Psychodrama. Methods of group therapy with children". The single one, written by polish authors is Czapw Gabriela i Czeslaw,Psychodrama.  its genesis, history, theory and practice, assessment trial. Warsaw 1969.
        In psychological literature I also met several papers, mostly on applying drama in school. There is even a journal, "Drama", including a theoretical paper and few propositons to apply it - most often concerning teaching Polish. That's the official path. In private way, many trainers of psychodrama give their own translations of foreign publications, and own notes of trainees are basic.Summaring, I didn't reach any psychodrama - especially Moreno's psychodrama - guide book in polish. There is a lack of such publications. is a link to Polish Institute of Psychodrama. This is a society formerly being a Psychodramatic Workgroup of Polish Psychiatric Society. It has been established in 1999. Polish Institute of Psychodrama is a member of Psychodrama - Institut f r Europa e.v. located in Berlin, Germany.  Probably psychodrama from Germany has spread to Poland. Some german trainers, like Sonia Beloch, still carry out some groups in Poland.  
     Many from trainees speak or read English. Many papers used in training is in its original language, English mostly. Estimating the number of groups - probably 5 to 10. I heard about psychodrama training groups in Gdansk, Warsaw, Cracow. Polish Initute of Psychodrama carries 3 or 4 groups in Cracow I think, but emailing them from given site will giveYou more detailed informations. So, the number of psychodrama trained people in Poland may reach two to five hundreds of people. Some therapeutic colleges include courses of psychodrama among other methods of psychotherapy. In Institute of Psychology on University of Warsaw, there's an optional, half - year workshop of psychodrama and its uses in therapy and business.
      An interesting approach is developed by many clergymen and people involved in Catholic Church - making Bibledrama meetings and sessions. I found You - knowing about the book "Acting-In" tried to seek in the Net and found Your website. Translating Your book is a very interesting proposition. I'd be happy to do so.  Best wishes,Mateusz
           Also, the PifE will be having their international conference in Cracow on September 2 - 4, 2005, theme: "Garden of Roles," and sessions will be held using English and German as well as Polish. See the website:

2003: Elisabeth Schjetne,  lives in Norway and trains in Poland, reports in the  PIFE Newlsetter in late 2002. There were two training groups: One with 12 members finished the "first level" in September. Another group with 10 members was run by Bernd Fichtenchofer and finished in July 2002. This year (2003), there are 3 traning groups, the new one led by Sonia Beloch. We also conducted 4 day-long workshops last year which included Ildiko Maevers, on Sociometry; Eva Roine, on Dreams in Psychodrama; Joseph Moreno, on Music and Psychodrama; and Yaakov Naor, on Work with Inner Aggression. The Polish Psychodrama Association held its membership meeting in December, 2002, and at that meeting workshops were presented by Jaroslaw Gliszczynski, Anna Bielanska, and Elzbieta Gliszczynska.
 May, 2001: Jacek Sochacki <>  writes that psychodrama there has been growing rapidly, with several training programs. There are about fifty professionals, mostly psychiatrists or clinical psychologists, who have reached the assistant director level, and soon we hope to have some who graduate at the level of trainer-director. In 1998 we established the Polish National Psychodramatists' Society , with its headquarters in Cracow. No journals or newsletters so far, and only Roine's book has been translated into Polish. The other source materials are mainly in German.
     Psychodrama began in Poland about twelve years ago, when Sonia and Helmut Beloch, psychodramatists from Germany began regular courses, along with Eva Roine (Norway), Laszlo Zichi (Hungary), Ildiko Mavers, and the others from the Psychodrama Institute for Europa. In 1997 we organized 4th PifE Conference, with over 300 attending.
     Tatyana Krioukova <> in the Dep’t. of  Psychology at Kostroma State University, 350 km north-east from Moscow, travels to Poland to teach. She writes: Psychodrama is still fairly new in Poland. So far I’m aware of three training centers: One, in Warszaw, another in Krakow (with an estimated 40-50 people in training). I now teach in Polish to two groups at the University of Bialystok; one group of 15 students and another made up of 25 professional people (psychologists, psychiatrists, and teachers)–I travel there three or four times a year. They have only two psychodrama books translated into Polish (one by Eva Roine, the other by a German author. They also have Holmes & Karp’s 1994 anthology in Russian.

Portugal :  Manuela Maciel,  <>     the Chair of the IAGP Psychodrama Section, was also the Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the First International Sociodrama Congress, held in  October 12-14, 2007 in Carcavelos, Portugal. Theme: "A Transparent Look": Applications in Education, Organizations and Community. 150 people attended from 14 different countries.
Presenters:  Peter Felix Kellerman (Sweden/Israel), Jorge Burmeister (Switzerland/Spain), Natacha Roldan (Spain), Jeanne Burger (USA), Pablo Alvarez (Spain), Yvette Datner (Brazil), Chiara de Marino (Italy), Manuela Maciel (Portugal), Mark Wentworth (UK), Ron Wiener (UK), Ed Schreiber (USA), Monica Wernberg (Sweden). We had a very interesting and rich scientific program with some of the most prominent figures in this field and we will also have an interesting social program. 
      Pre-Congress Oct 12: Sociodrama and Collective Trauma (Peter Kellerman) and Sociodrama and Comunity Work (J. Burmeister & N. Roldan). October 13 and 14 we held the Congress with paper panels, debates and workshops about Coaching, Education, Organizations, Comunity Work, Refugees with Sociodrama and also Playback Theatre.  Aimed for: Psychodramatists and Sociodramatists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Nurses, Social Service, Ocupational Service, Teachers, Managers, Consultants, Public and Private Administration, Students and all.   
     For more information: see:    It was a very interested and interesting group in which language differences, time constraints and culture differences created the necessary tension that mirrors the real world. Even with these natural tensions we were able to create an atmosphere of cooperation and of mutual learning. The 150 registrations, in this low-cost non-profit Congress, came from Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Teachers, Social Services, Occupational Therapists, Consultants, Journalists, Students and many others. (The volunteer organizing committee of about 20 people (mostly Portuguese Sociodrama Directors trained by SPP - Portuguese Psychodrama Association) who really helped to create a harmonious and warm atmosphere.  Organizing Team:  Angela Carreira, Luis Santos, Margarida Barros, Micaela Ramos, Teresa Roque, Manuela Maciel , With support of Portuguese Psychodrama Association
      The President of FEPTO, Judith Tsezary, the President Elect of IAGP, Jorge Burmesiter and a letter from Zerka Moreno (presented by Jeanne Burger) were there, to give even more credit to this important event. The program was about sharing experiences in the application of Sociodrama to Education, Organizations and Community Intervention. We had 5 presentations and 12 workshops apart from the everyday large group sessions.  In the end it was decided with the large group that the next Congress will be in Sweden/ Finland, with 4 volunteers from these countries offering to take that responsibility. It was a very rich and enthusiastic Congress where also a DVD was produced and it will be ready soon and a Discussion Group about Sociodrama Definitions was created.
    Also: Manuela Maciel, in August, 2007, announced  the new website of the Portuguese Psychodrama Association:  (In Portugese:)      (In English:

     2005: Portugal: Margarida Couto <> writes (in January): As far as the teaching of Psychodrama is concerned, there are only two associations in my country. One follows the psychoanalytic psychodrama orientation and the other relates to the Morenian psychodrama. I'm a member and a trainer of this latter group. Our website, , is also in English). There is a board of trainers whose job is to coordinate and to work on the training. The subjects differ from society to society and they also differ from country to country (at least this is the knowledge I get from comparing countries like Spain, England, Brasil and Argentina).

Portugal:  (2003) Manuela Maciel writes that she has recently been running two psychodrama clinical groups and  sociodrama activities (training and coaching) in hospitals and other organizations. She's been a trainer with the SPP (Portuguese Psychodrama Association) for several years. This last April, 2003, she organized and was the moderator for an  International Conference "Different Approaches on Psychodrama" in Lisbon--and this was followed by the FEPTO Anual Meeting, , attended by around  60 European trainers and psychodramatists. The conference theme was "Supervision." Most recently, Manuela was  elected as the next Chair of Psychodrama Section of the IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotherapy) for 2003-2006, and she's preparing a work committee for the Section. At the IAGP Congress in Istambul she presented workshops on "Psychodrama with Toys, Puppets and Drawings" and "Don't leave them lonely at the top: Sociodrama with Managers."
    In Portugal, two new Training groups are starting, one in Psychodrama and the other in Sociodrama with around 35 new students. Also the next Portuguese Congress in Psychodrama is being planned, for 2004 with dates not yet fixed.

  May, 2001: Dr. Antonio Roma Torres <> writes that the 3rd Ibero-American Psychodrama Conference in Oporto this last April was attended by around 350 participants, had about 170 presenters, and many workshops. Some new books were presented--on Role-play by Elisa Lopez Barberá and Pablo Población Knapp (from Spain), a didactic book on Psychodrama by Maria Carmen Bello (from Mexico), and a book on how to become a mental patient, an ironic presentation of psychopathology, by Dr. Pio Abreu from Portugal. Also, I am running a discussion mailing list on Psychodrama in Portuguese and Spanish - a couple of weeks ago we have reached one hundred members.

Romania: Horatiu Nil Albini, M.D. (Email: ) writes in December, 2012 that last month they held a 3-day conference sponsored by the two training programs in Romania, Societatea de Psihodrama "J.L. Moreno" (SPJLM - translated "J.L. Moreno" Psychodrama Society); and the Asociatia Romana de Psihodrama Clasica (ARPsiC - translated The Romanian Association of Classical psychodrama), attended by 100 people. We have in SPJLM 8 supervisors, 18 trainers and more than 45 psychodrama practitioners. If we count psychodrama assistants, we can add another 140 ones. Assistants have a degree of training that allows them to use psychodrama techniques in self development groups.

In the ARPsiC, Radu Vulcu, the ARPsiC president says there are 10 trainer/supervisors, 255 practitioners, and 130 trainees. All together, we estimate that the use of psychodrama has expanded so that approximately 540 practitioners are using action techniques in psychotherapy and other applications. This number includes the assistants in both organizations. As for our trainees in the SPJLM, now we have around 100. So all in all, there are many people in our country using psychodramatic methods.
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      Conference summary by Gábor Pintér of Hungary regarding the November, 2012: Conference theme: ETHICS AND POWER: The King, the Wise Man and the Fool.t 5th National Conference of Psychodrama was held in  Romania, Cluj-Napoca, with as a featured presenter: For 3 days the national psychodrama conference was attended by more than 100 psychodrama colleagues. It was  held in the Diakonia Centre in Cluj where we also had our FEPTO annual meeting many years ago. The two existing psychodrama associations have organised it together: the Psychodrama Society J.L. Moreno (SPJLM)  and the Romanian Classic Psychodrama Society (ARPsiC), both member of FEPTO, the first represented  between us by Horatio Nil Albini (past president) and Éva Varró (president), the second by  Dana Dragoteanu  and Radu Vulcu (president). I am happy seeing the big developement of their psychodrama: I remember for the collegues coming first time to FEPTO meeting, for how could I help them in the  membership committee in the official joining to us. I could see for example Horatios huge work and his creative way from a “newcomer” to the presidentship of FEPTO.

This year the conference had 3 invited guests from abroad and around 30 active psychodrama professionals from the country. The international participants: Inci Doganer from Turkey, who gave a very nice philosophical lecture on Etics of Psychodrama and also a workshop: The place of the moral values. Bernd Fichtenhofer from Germany had a workshop (with Monika Ścibak together) with the titel:  The Fool, the mask behind the mask? Or what else?.  I as third guest (Gábor Pintér, Hungary) took the responsibility of the warming up large group, and a workshop: Healing stories in the force field of the King’s, Wise Man’s and Fool’s triangle.

     After a nice formal opening lead  by Sorina Bîrle, Éva Varró and Radu Vulcu a real theather group of the faculty of Babes-Bolyai University (Director: Miriam Cuibus) came and played “Scenes from the show Night of the buffoons - Shakespeare studies”.  Their play was very interesting but also very strong, just shocking. This first experience of the group made my work for the next hours more difficult, but also more intensive.  

     In the two hours long  workshop “creative psychodrama encounter in large group”,  lead by me, we had almost 100 participants in the big conference room. We sat in a big circle like at FEPTO meetings and we moved and played a lot, dealing with the three roles of the congress: King (also Queen), Wise man (also women) and Fool (was no female connotation!, was mainly in the sense of fool of the King)  in a group dynamical way.  I had a wonderful translator, Ilona Görög, who helped me a lot, also as an experienced psychodramatist,  as a spontaneous “co-leader”.  After a  moving role sociometry all group participants went in one of the three roles in small groups of three, and played spontaneuosely a story between them. I gave only a basic situation: the country has now some big danger and this 3 person (king, wise man and fool) has to think and decide and find the solution. 

      Than every small group had to choose and send a “representative” to a big  aquarium circle, and share (staying in the role) what happened in their royalty, how was the decision, how worked the spontan finded solution. It was interesting, but also very interesting just the fact, that more than 50 percent of representatives were in the fool role! At the end in a special sociometric way we connected all this experience with the main title of the congress: ethics and power. This play gave us lots of spontaneity concerning  “evidence”. An example: the group which was interested at this point  (at the beginning of the conference) mainly  for the “power without ethics” issue, consisted mainly from the “kings” of the previous role play.      I was happy that  this experience gave the participants  a good start to the whole conference, this all stayed “in the room” until the end. Me as leader, (who leads often big groups for hundred people or more) had now in this 2 hours a big excitement, a continual strong feeling of  “high risk”, but also a big joy on seeing the phantastic creativity of the group.


From the next morning started a series of lectures and mainly workshops. We had also an ongoing workshop:  Attila Donáth from Hungary invited interested collegues for a playback work, with the title “The wisdom of the clown, the force of the wise, and the humor of the king”. In the evening we all could see the friuts of their common work at  the Playback plenary session, they have done for us and with us all. It gave us a real theatre experience and more: it was our theatre.

     The very good quality of the psychodrama in Romania was visible through the workshops done by the collegues. Some themes was in stronger connection with the 3 roles: Noblesse oblige or the power of roles (Enikő Lázár - Éva Sarolta Butyka), The King, the Wise Man and the Fool (Radu Vulcu), The wise man and his shadow (Adela Mihaela Ţăranu - Andreea Dumitrache), The King and his Fool Woman, the Queen and her Fool Man (Éva Varró, Imola Pál-Jakab).


Others were in connection of the main conference issue, or more wide:  Beelzebub as God. The modern forms of the God syndrome in psychodrama (Mónika Román - Enikő Szőke), The Travelling  Journal and the Wisdom of Synchronicity (Anca Cristina Apostol), Does the witch really have to die? (Graţiela Mihaela Grigorescu, Alina Jitaru), Dark powers, the vampires’ ethics  (Mária Orbán, Annamária Gyéresi), Chimney, sweeper in the city without chimneys, the burden of freedom in the absence of role (Luminita Vlas - Carmen Tamasu),  Attraction, charisma and the need to influence (Adriana Oachiş, Graţiela Sion), Searching Values, finding Values (Ljubomir Petrov).

The good  quality of the conference and the every day Romanian psychodrama work was also expressed in the lectures:  The evaluation in the training, dilemmas and evidences (Enikő Albert-Lőrincz),  Supporting Potential Development: Presentation of the Grundtvig European Project (Liviu Gaja) and The syntony of psychodramatic method with theatrical instrumentation (Simona Simionof).


At the end of the event some colleagues from the new generation of psychodrama gave us a closing group experience. Than we had a sharing on the congress and speak on our ideas for the future.  It was a nice moment when Radu Vulcu, the president of the Romanian Classic Psychodrama Society (ARPsiC) awarded Horatio Nil Albini, organiser and past president of the Psychodrama Society J.L. Moreno (SPJLM)  with the “Honorary Membership of ARPsiC”, with thanks of the huge work done by Horatio for the whole Romanian psychodrama movement. As visible, the cooperation is living and creative, it can be more strong in the future, maybe also a possible model for the national cooperation for other FEPTO members.


Many thanks for the presidency: Éva Varró, Sorina Bîrle, Ilona Görög and all other collegues of the local and scientific committees who all helped to come true this rich encounter!  It was really a scientific but  also experience- centered  event. My main global perception, as I have also told at the closing ceremony:

Psychodrama community in Romania is fully grown up, can stay and move and develop further by itself. We can really congratulate to the developement of their  psychodrama movement, to the two cooperating associations! And we can see them in the future,  as also for a long time at the European stage of FEPTO.

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December, 2008: Horatiu nil Albini writes: The first Psychodrama National Conference (Theme: From Spring to Spring) was held in Cluj, the 14th till the 16th of November, 2008, was organized by the two Romanian psychodrama institutes, Psychodrama Society "J.L. Moreno" (SPJLM) and the Romanian Classical Psychodrama Association (ARPsiC)Around 200 people, representing not only the psychodrama community, but also the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy, The College of Psychologists, Romanian Association of Clinical Hypnosis, Romanian Association of Family Therapy, French Society of Adlerian Psychoanalysis, Hungarian Association of Psychodrama, attended the meeting. The programme was divided into: two lecture sessions, a poster exhibition, three workshop sections (conducted in parallel in seven rooms) and three plenary workshops. The presentations were of classical psychodrama, psychoanalytical psychodrama, Adlerian psychodrama with children, Balint psychodrama, organizational psychodrama, bibliodrama and sociodrama.

      We enjoyed the participation of Jorg Burmeister (Switzerland), Natacha Roldan Navarro (Spain), Manuela Maciel (Portugal) and Hilde Gott (Germany).  We are only sorry that friends like you could not be here, together with us. You can visit the site of the conference at

      During the opening of the conference the Romanian translation of the Autobiography of J.L Moreno, MD, (first published in the Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry, vol. 42, no 1) was officially presented, under the title of "The story of my life,". We are also translating some of the most important articles of J.L. Moreno, the Romanian edition will appear under the title Quintessential Moreno.  

     Next year, the conference will  hosted by ARPsiC.  The next Romanian National Psychodrama conference will be held in October 2009, in Brasov, 150 km from Bucharest, its theme being: Psychodrama in Society. From Conflict to Encounter.
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June, 2007: Preparations are active for the conference on Moreno in July.

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November, 2006. Horatiu Nil Albini reported the following in the Newsletter of the Psychodrama Institut fur Europa (PIfE):The organization has 11 active training groups for the basic level (6 in Romanian and 5 in Hungarian) and 2 upper level groups for assistants. New groups are under preparation, as we have been invited to start training in Timisoara, Iasi and Constanta. In August 2004, in collaboration with the Bibliodrama section of the Hungarian Association of Psychodrama, Sarkady Kamilla and Nyáry Péter initiated the first training group in bibliodrama, another one being currently under preparation in Timisoara.


In the previous year, 22 theoretical seminaries and 9 special seminaries were organized, as well as the group dynamics seminar, in cooperation with DAGG. Supervision seminaries were also organized for all levels. They were conducted by Hilde Gött, Bernd Fichtenhoffer and Sarkady Kamilla. In 2007 these supervisors will be joined by Ildikó Mävers and Eva Falström Strömberg. All legal documents related to the basic level, upper level and bibliodrama training were filled in and updated. For the training process of the superior level and for the final colloquy of the first generation of psychodramatists trained by SPJLM, PIfE was requested to delegate supervisors from within the organization.


Another program of training for trainers was started, including workshops like Scenic Diagnosis conducted by Christoph Hutter or Warm-up and Closure led by Yaacov Naor, as well as 100 hours intensive courses, like the one in monodrama (Psychodrama in Monotherapy. Creativity as an Activating Therapeutical Factor, conducted by Reinhard Krüger), or another one on supervision, proposed by Ildikó Mävers.


The Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy has issued the free-practice and under-supervision psychotherapist diplomas. 22 diplomas of SPJLM Psychodrama assistants were issued in 2005 and 19 in 2006. The procedure for applying and registering requests for ECP (European Certificate of Psychotherapist) is in progress.


The accreditation file for SPJLM members has been forwarded to the College of Psychologists. After accreditation, we will request from the College of Psychologists and respectively from the Medical College that the activities organized by SPJLM be granted points for continued education both for psychologists and for psychiatrists.


In May 2006 we hosted the 14th FEPTO conference, Apollon with Dionysos, Theories in Action, with the participation of 57 representatives of organizations from 19 countries. The conference was followed by the first FEPTO post conference that provided a meeting place for the students of the different psychodrama institutes in Europe. Our aim was to look into different theoretical approaches and to form a work group involved in supervision, comprised of trainers and practitioners. The two events were successful, from all points of view, including the pragmatic one. The profit was of over 3000 Euros.


The web site of the organization is being reorganized. The new elected web master will monitor our internet page as well as the information offered by other web sites, in order that the latter should contain updated data about SPJLM.


The Executive Council met in monthly sessions. Major issues concerning the organization were discussed and the necessary decisions were taken. All members were provided with the minutes of all sessions. In order to involve as many members as possible, the issues of the organization were discussed both in the regular meetings of the trainers and in the common meetings of the Council and the Professional Committee. The Executive Council was constantly open to guests, who frequently attend its meetings.


The organization forwarded a request to the Town Hall, in view of obtaining a location that could be used as an office, to host not only the secretarial activity, but also seminaries and workshops.


Our future plans include proceeding to a complete electronic updating of the financial documents. We also plan to be more active in the scientific and research fields, to collect the colloquy papers presented so far in a volume, to translate basic psychodrama books required for training. We want to inaugurate an organizational psychodrama department, to begin a course of coaching, to increase the number of supervisors and the offers of seminars, to organize the first psychodrama group in the Moldavian Republic. We have started the first major project involving our association together with the Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama: organizing in Sibiu, July 2007 the international conference Celebrating Moreno's Personality. We have in view the passing from targets to the implementation of development strategies, focused on the fields where psychodrama is applicable, so that the organization could diversify its activities. We would like that these activities be promoted according to an agenda established at least one year in advance. This will favour a variety of offers, while the training fees will conform both to the quality of the work and the financial possibilities of the trainees.


Last but not least we consider the emergence of a new generation that, in time, will comprise as many of our colleagues currently under training as possible

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December, 2004:Meda Padurean writes: There's a good deal of classical (Morenian) psychodrama in Romania. A major trainer is the Italian psychiatrist,  Dr. Giovanni Boria. At present, there are training groups in six different cities! Each summer there is an admission workshop, and training involves about three to four years, with ten months sessions each year. The formation includes one didactic group (max. 12 people) and the meetings are weekly or monthly.
    When I did my studies, I was going every month for a full week-end (from 9 AM to 10 PM). Also, each year we used to have 2 theoretical sessions with trainees from all psychodrama centers. The training produces several possible categories of professional:  1. Director of  Classic Psychodrama (Psychotherapist--if you have had before a diploma in Psychology or Psychiatry)  2. Director of Classic Psychodrama (non-therapeutic--if you have had before a diploma  in humanistic or educative  area, sociology or medicine) 3. Professional ego - auxiliary -- Co-therapist ( after 3 year of psychodrama school)    I studied Psychodrama in Arad for 2 years, with Dr. Violeta Pecican and Dr. Mihaela Brad.
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January, 2003: Horatiu nil Albini (email: ) wrote in January, 2003, that The Psychodrama Society "J.L.Moreno" – the Romanian psychodrama organization– is planning on hosting the PIfE (Psychodrama Institut fur Europa–a coalition of training programs) 7th International Conference in Cluj, Romania. The Romanian psychodrama association has currently 154 members and is growing fast. 36 are graduates of the final colloquium in September 1999 and October 2001, and 12 are acknowledged by PIfE as trainers. Early last year three psychodrama training groups were started–and at present time there are  nine groups and a tenth one is starting in the city of Oradea. Also, we've opened website:     The first psychodrama conference in Romania was in September, 1998 (also in Cluj), and the association was organized at that time. Our group in May 2000 held a regional conference in association with other groups on the subject of "Sexual Abuse and Violence." In July, 2000, in Girda, we held an International Psychodrama Summer Academy "The Way to One's Self. Myths, Legends and Rituals." So we have been quite active. In Romania, besides our SPJLM, there is another psychodrama association in the town of Sibiu (The Romanian Association of Classic Psychodrama). Both societies are members of Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy (FRP). Since 2000 our society is an institutional member of PIfE and 2002 a member of FEPTO as a training organization.
  Romania, May 2002:      The Psychodrama Society "J.L.Moreno"  From: (horatiu nil albini) We are very honored that you have contacted us and also grateful that the  first announcement of the 7th PIfE International Conference was included on the psychodrama network. We are very sorry that you will not come in Cluj. You have asked for several information about our society. The first attachment includes the history of SPJLM and the second our curriculum vitae as presented at the last FEPTO meeting at Sofia.The association has currently 135 members, 36 are graduates of the final colloquium in September 1999 and October 2001, and 12 are acknowledged by PIfE as trainers. In February 2000 three psychodrama training groups have been started led by SPJLM trainers, and their number is now eight, including 121 students in the first level.   In september 1998 in Cluj the first Romanian Conference of Psychodrama named  "Conflicts - Solving Drama by Psychodrama" was organized. In May 2000 in  Cluj in co-operation of the Artemis Program an East-European national and  regional conference "Sexual Abuse and Violence" was held and in July 2000 in
Girda took place the International Psychodrama Summer Academy "The Way to One's Self. Myths, Legends and Rituals".     Beside SPJLM is another psychodrama association in Sibiu (The Romanian  Association of Classic Psychodrama). Unfortunately we have no contacts  although we tried several times to reach them. Both societies are members of  Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy (FRP). Since 2000 our society is an
institutional member of PIfE and 2002 a member of FEPTO as a training organization.
     About myself: I am living in Cluj, I am a psychiatrist (nobody is perfect)  and a psychodrama therapist. So I am not a doctor and never will become a  professor. Hence if you wish Horatiu will be enough. If there are any other questions, tell me so (by the way it is Romania and not Rumania).      My very best wishes    Horatiu
         In November, 2000,  Zerka T. Moreno was in Bucharest to celebrate 111 years from the birth of Dr. J. L. Moreno.

     November 2013, sent by
Evgeny Sheronov : Since 2011 the seminars in Humanistic Psychodrama took place in the International Center of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the institute of pedagogic and psychology of the State Nekrassov University of Kostroma (

Above: Heinz-Werner Gessman in middle, workshop for psychotherapists in Moscow, Fall, 2013.

Above: Heinz-Werner Gessman, instructor, workshop on Humanistic Psychodrama, for counselors in Smolensk, Russia, Fall, 2013.
    The trainer of these seminars is the founder of this school of psychodrama  Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Hans-Werner Gessmann. There are both demonstrational seminars and long time educational programs, whose result is the qualification assignment of the “Psychodrama-Assistant”, “Psychodrama-Therapist” and “Psychodrama-Master-Therapist”. The Center gives the opportunity of supervision and issues certificates of the International Academy of extramural courses and further training (Germany, Duisburg). Prof. Gessmann also leads seminars in Humanistic Psychodrama in the context of educational projects of the State Psychological and Pedagogic University of Moscow and the State University of Smolensk. In 2013 the ICCPP started to organize Russian educational groups to study Humanistic Psychodrama in the Psychotherapeutic Institute Bergerhausen (Germany) (
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May, 2012: Ekaterina Mihailova writes: The Federation of Psychodrama Training Institutes in Russia (FPTIR) represents the professional community of Russian psychodrama practitioners. We are now 20 years old! The first group of the International Psychodrama Training project headed by Goran Hogberg was started in spring of 1989: We consider that to be the date of birth of the Russian psychodrama school. Since then we have been taught and trained by brilliant professionals – Goran Högberg, Ella-May Shearon, Greta Leutz,  Rene Marineau, Jorg Burmeister, Evie Lotze, Sue Barnum, Milton Hawkins, Marcia Karp, Paul Holmes, David Kipper, James Sacks, Monika Zuretti, Sue Daniel, Natalia Novitski, Eva Falshtrom, Klaudia Bachman-Gross, Jacob Muller, Ann Ancelin Schutzenberger  and many others were among them. We established the first national psychodrama training programs in the 1990s.

By 2000 long-term training programs in Moscow and many cities of the former Soviet Union have been maintained by the 4 non-governmental Institutes listed in English translation along with their guiding directors: (1)  Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama ( Nifont Dolgopolov); (2)  Institute of Group and Family Psychotherapy (Elena Lopukhina); (3)  Institute of Group Psychotherapy and Social Projects (Ekaterina Mikhailova); and (4)  Institute of Psychodrama and Role Training (Victor Semenov).

In July, 2007, the leaders of the above-listed psychodrama training programs made a decision to establish the Federation (FPTIR). The experience and the formats of cooperation of different training organizations is a part of the professional world tradition – like the work of FEPTO in Europe (Nifont Dolgopolov and Elena Lopukhina are among the FEPTO co-founders). FPTIR is established to support the world psychodrama tradition, to maintain the international qualification standards and to develop psychodrama in Russia. We made a step to integration of our Institutes’ approaches to the educational and training processes. We established our Federation:
- to support the development of the psychodrama movement in Russia  and to form its strategies; 
- to know, to understand and to integrate different schools and approaches to psychodrama, to share ideas and experiences;
- to maintain  communication with the International community;
- to work together on the certification standards and procedures;
- to promote psychodrama in different fields of professional practice as well as in the social contexts;
- to confirm the values of constructive professional cooperation by our commitment.

Our first joint project put into life was the unique training program for psychodrama trainers (16 professionals already engaged in the work of 4 Institutes (February 2008 – February 2009)). By now they are certified to be the FPTIR  trainers. We are working on the FPTIR web-site and many other projects, including organizing workshops and writing books and articles. We also promote collaboration with professionals in other fields. The four of us hope to greet new ideas and to make them work both for the national professional community and the world integration process. The 7th Moscow Psychodrama Conference will be next month, June 2012, and continues the journey of psychodrama in Russia.

Later this month, June 2012, we are running the Tenth X Moscow Psychodrama Conference, where we will offer 60 workshops  and expect about 400 participants.
We hope to promote more exchanges with the world community. I (Ekaterina Mikhailova, in Moscow) am one of those who take part in the international conferences - Rome 2009; Krakow (Poland) in 2011; Summer Academy in Granada 2010 and 2012. Now I'm looking forward to Cartagena in July; Finally, in August, 2012, in Tallinn, Estonia, at the 7th Baltic Moreno Conference "People's Stories", I'll run a workshop there.
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December, 2008: Marcia Karp <> writes: Last week I was in Moscow doing a yearly training group. We had nineteen participants in a three-day training group. This suggests a very positive response, because finances are very tight in Russia nowadays. Many patients cannot afford to attend their therapy appointments, while some are willing to pay for therapy instead of paying for food or heat! (There’s a similar problem economically in England.) In May I go back to do a therapy group for trainers as they get precious little chance to be protagonist. In April, 2009, I go to Kazakhstan where I've never been. Nifont Dologopov of Moscow introduced psychodrama there and they have an active community.
  Further adventures in Ukraine.

Elena Abelskaya <> wrote to note that an international conference on psychodrama and sociometry was held in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, May 5-7, 2005, and they had guests from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.  Also, in Moscow, 10-12  June, they had a psychodrama seminar by led by Jacob Muller of the Moreno Institute in Germany.
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 Ekaterina Mikhailova <> writes in 2005: Greta Leutz has certified the last Moscow training group - the international project started in 90's, 3 groups finished long ago, and now this one. We are going to run the third Moscow conference (April 8-10). About 25 workshops, about 200 participants. When it is over, I'll send a short report.Ekaterina Mikhailova  <> writes:  1.   Re: - Greta Leutz has certified the last Moscow training group - the international project started in 90's, 3 groups finished long ago, and now this one.

       2. We are grateful: the professional community (and Greta, first of all) continued to be involved even when "all this Russian stuff" went out of fashion.
      3.  A dozen of internationally certified psychodramatists joined us.
      4. We are going to run the third Moscow conference (April 8-10). About 25 workshops, about 200 participants.

Yekaterinburg, Russia, October, 2004: Elena Abelskaya <> writes: Starting in 1996 Mrs. Lena Lopouhina of the Institute of  Psychodrama and Role Training in Moscow came here to Yekaterinburg, in the Ural Mountains a few hundred miles East of Moscow, and trained two groups of psychologists and psychotherapists. Since then, she has graduated approximately 30 students! Now there are 5 or 6 of these graduates who are leading psychodrama groups in our city. More recently, we established our own Ural Institute of Psychodrama, and this last springtime we graduated our first four students following a three-year cycle of education. (Our foundation is the only "legal" one for training psychodrama in Yekaterinburg.)
        Since I'm a lecturer at Psychological Department of The Ural State University I know that quite a few students-psychologists in our city are interested in further specialization on psychodrama.   So that we plan to increase our staff and the number of students soon. I hope that in course of time we shall be able to enter FEPTO. 
       We haven't done any census of the number of psychodramatists in our region. There is also another psychodrama group, The Russian Psychodrama Association, that also exists here but I don't know how many members they have. The Association hasn't its representation in our city.          
       For the last four years, our country has held all-Russian conferences on psychodrama in the cities of Moscow or Rostov-on-Don. Last February, 2004, about 250 people attended the conference in Moscow. You already know that a psychodrama journal titled (English translation:
"Psychodrama and modern psychotherapy) began to be published in Kiev, Ukraine, starting around 2002.  We would like more reading materials to translate into Russian.
 Write or send us your materials!  Address: Ural Institute of Psychodrama;  Russia, 620026, Yekaterinburg;  K. Marks st., house 8, of. 314.

May, 2001: Vladimir Romek, of the Don Society of Psychodrama <> writes: This coming September 14-19, 2001, we are hosting an International Congress of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, with psychodramatists from  Russia, Georgia, Estonia, France, Germany,--and you are invited, too! The conference is sponsored also by the South-Russian Institute of Humanities, here in Rostov-on-Don, in the land of the ancient Scythians.  There is no fee for attending the conference! It's free. Also, for those who present, we will offer free accommodations and meals! (Unfortunately, we cannot afford to pay for travel.) We will also be able to provide translation from and to English and German. For more information, please contact me at the previously mentioned email address or:

August, 1999: Leonid Kroll, in Russia, (email: writes recently: We have continued to work on developing our method in spite of our present circumstances. Katya Mikchailova does a lot of client group work (women`s groups, seminars on family history, personal growth groups etc), and has several training programs out of Moscow. Elena Lopukchina trains a lot of professionals. Nifont Dolgopolov works with a combination of gestalt and psychodrama. Foreign trainers are not as available as they used to be. There is a group (Moscow-IV, a German section of the project) that still has no certification. They are waiting for their German  trainer and feel very uncertain. Today psychodrama is in demand in the field of chemical dependencies` treatment. We are publishing books on group psychotherapy where psychodrama has it`s proper place (usually Katya writes the chapters). We also offer long-standing training programs on role play, psychodrama and group psychotherapy. In brief, psychodrama in Russia gets riper, more engaged in real client work and more self-sufficient. We`ll keep in touch with more news IGISP webpages :

Scandinavia (Finland, Norway, Denmark, etc.: See Baltic:)

Serbia: -- See Yugoslavia.

   July, 2010: Eduardo Fernandez-Cruz writes: July, 2010: Teodoro Herranz and his Escuela de Psicoterapia y Psicodrama (that I still form part of it) has now organized an Association called Asociacion para el estudio de la psicoterapia y el psicodrama. This association has its goal to promote the study and investigation of the clinical practice of psychotherapy and psychodrama. (Click here for more information)  I am now currently working at the Saint Louis University- Madrid Campus (in Spain) as a professor and also I collaborate at their Counseling Center.
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May, 2009:
To the right is a group photo (withJaime Rojas-Bermudez in the middle with the white beard) of the12th ASSG ( meeting.There is a great spirit in this ASSG group in Sevilla. You may remember that it was Jaime that broke into the way of framing Psychodrama in Neuropsychological terms. (See his "Teoria Y Tecnica Psicodramaticas", published by Paidos Ibericos in 1997.)

May, 2008:  Goyo Armańanzas, vice-president of the AEP reports on the 23rd National meeting of Spanish Association of psychodrama (AEP), held in connection with the 1st International Conference on Regulation and Mediation of Conflicts, Granada, May 23-25, 2008:  The AEP (Spanish Association of Psychodrama ; and the University of Granada organized the first international conference on the mediation of conflicts together. The subtitle "Who will survive?: the application of the Psicodrama in the Society of today.”  The 4 main topics of the conference embarked: Community work and Therapy; Mediation of Conflicts in Society; Collective trauma and post-war situations and Ethics of the Leadership in Companies and Organizations. The inaugural conference on Mediation of International Conflicts was imparted by Alfredo Witchi, former commissary of the UN. 140 participants came together, representing 14 different nationalities. In addition to the many contributions one highlight was the introduction of the large Group format, little known until now in these encounters. Also, Playback Theatre was used as the closure technique for this conference.
       In another special session ("The conference goes on the street") 3 experts of 3 different countries gathered 100 people in a public square demonstrating techniques of playback and spontaneous theatre improvisations Many proposals focused the mediation of conflicts in educational and community contexts, with topics like immigration, inclusion of marginalized groups or gender sensitivity work through the Theatre of the Oppressed techniques (Nicaragua, Venezuela and Brazil). Finally it is worthwhile to mention a pioneer work on the topic of collective trauma and the sequels of wartime conflicts centred in the Spanish Civil War sequels. Thanks to  Natacha Roldan, Head Organizing Committee Jorge Burmeister, Head Scientific Program Committee. -- Dr. Gregorio Armańanzas Ros (C/Esquíroz 4 1şB 31007 Pamplona (Navarra) Espańa
Telf: 34 948 170614 Fax: 34 948 276301) E-mail:
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Summer, 2007: Jorge Burmeister  <> describes the forthcoming 8th International Summer Academy Granada–a program for psychodrama, group work and group psychotherapy. This program is especially dedicated to transcultural group competence and peace work establishing a space of dialogue between some of the most recognized applied group models: psychodrama, group analysis and group dynamics and colleagues from involved communities: e.g. Israel and Palestine. In the frame of truly international groups experts and students from our field will find the opportunity to work with at least six different conductors of the same model in the same group. Morning lectures and the process of the experience in a large
group setting every evening will frame the experiential work.
    We offer special fees for colleagues from countries with economic hardship and also grants for students as we are interested to allow after all also younger colleagues and colleagues from those countries their participation. Thus we try to convey the original idea of J.L. Moreno to overcome at least partly the exclusion by social or economic dysbalance/ discrimination.
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Spain (2005): Dr. Roberto de Inocencio <> writes: I am currently running three training groups.  The program covers three hundred hours and one of the groups is finishing its training this coming June. The other two groups are just beginning this year. Our program has the approval of FEPTO and the Spanish Association of Psychodrama. We also run introductory seminars of 12 hours once a year as a warm-up towards a more formal training. At present there are around 50 trainees in the different groups. At the last meeting of the Asociacion Espanola de Psicodrama we had about 200 participants. Most of them are trainers and trainees. French psychoanalytic psychodrama is not used much here–and if so, probably in Catalonia. Most of us are Morenians and some are influenced by the Argentinian psychodramatists that came in the 1980s (emigrants from the dictatorship of the colonels there at that time.  I use "Acting In "as one of the main texts in my work. I also use Eva Leveton's and Elizabeth White's books. I have around 40 students interested in getting a copy of Acting In and Foundations of Psychodrama in Spanish translation.
     The annual meeting of the Sociedad Espanola de Psicoterapia y Tecnicas de Grupo on May 19 to 22  will take place in Cullera, a village on the Mediterranean sea, near Valencia, in Spain. The issue is about emptiness, encounters and farewells. Language will be spanish. You can find information in the page
       Eduardo Fernandez-Cruz Sarrate <> writes: Announcing a new book: Clinical Psychodrama.    Our web page is:
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Spain, Fall, 2004: Dr. Eduardo Fernandez-Cruz  <> announces a newly published anthology! In Fall, 2004, this book is of course in Spanish. (For this column, Dr. Fernandez-Cruz graciously translated the titles of the book and chapters.)
    Herranz, Teodoro. (Editor). (2004). Clinical Psychodrama, Theory and Techniques (Psicodrama clinico, Teoria y Tecnica). Madrid, Spain: Biblioteca "Oskar Pfister" and Ediciones Ciencias sociales. Number of pages 239. Contents: Part 1: Theory. 1. Sergio Perazzo "What theory".  2. T. Herranz "Psychodrama bipersonal".
3. Jose Fonseca "New approaches in psychodrama".
       Part 2. Techniques.  Chap. 4, T. Herranz "Psychodrama therapy with couples". 5. Maria Angeles Ejido, "Psychodrama Techniques". 6. T. Herranz, Vega Candelas, R. Oria "Psychodrama with Children".
        Part 3. Clinical Chap. 7.  T. Herranz "Psychodrama in narcissism and borderline disorder".  8. Marisol Filgueira and Carlos Castro "Depression and psychodrama".  9. Maria Angeles Ejido "Psychosomatics and psychodrama". 10. Antonio Pintado " Psychosis and psychodrama".
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Around December, 2003, Marisol Filgueira Bouza  <> wrote: We have more than 100 members at the moment in the AEP -Asociación Espańola de Psicodrama- from many different theoretical approaches (classical, triadic, systemic, transpersonal, cognitive-analytical...). Also, there are a number of psychodramatists who don't belong to our association, mainly from the analytical approach, and some of those have their own associations. There must be about 15 to 20 certified private schools in the country offering psychodrama training--private schools of psychotherapy whose trainers are officially certified, and most do some kind of psychodrama training, but not all of them are credited by the AEP (some belong to other different associations of psychotherapy). In each school you can usually find 1 to 4 trainers, sometimes more. But there are also many professionals who work in public institutions and do psychodrama training or therapy on demand. So Moreno's methods are widely practiced. The AEP publishes a quarterly journal, "La Hoja de Psicodrama. (Email to:, that includes the papers presented at our annual 3-day meetings. The list of the AEP's publications is in my paper; a more extensive bibliography on Spanish psychodrama is in J.A. Espina's book. We also organize 2-days lasting workshops once a year or as frequently as possible, directed by the AEP's members or by guests from abroad.
        The Spanish Psychodrama Association and the Commission of International Relationsheld their 19th Annual Meeting in Salamanca, Spain on November 14-16, 2003.  Coordinated by Dr. Ernesto Fonseca- Fabregas or the Coordinator, Ana M Fernundez Espinosa           C/ Zafiro n: 1   37185-Villamayor de Armuea  Telefono 647 479 475     e-mail:     Or see:
        In December, 2003, Marisol Souza Filgueira reported on this 19th Meeting of the Spanish Psychodrama Association (A.E.P.),  Theme: 'Psychodrama and cultural diversity'. 290 people attended (140 were students from the University  - the conference had been concerted as an special course). It lasted 20 hours. There were 11 panels of lectures and oral presentations, each including four reporters on average. Among them, the special contributions of Jorg Burmeister and Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger. 18 workshops were held, including the official Closure of the event, following the classic psychodrama session. Boards for the exhibition of posters were avaliable: three posters of training schools and four posters of psychodrama applications were presented. A preliminary archive of the Association was exhibited, with photos, historical information and previous publications. An expositor contained books, programs, brochures... belonging to psychodrama schools or individual professionals. A local author, who designed the conference's advertisement, exposed his photographs. Books of previous meetings of the Association were sold. Anne Ancelin Sch tzenberger distributed some issues of her last book. Jose  Antonio Espina Barrio gave information to buy a videotape of J.L. Moreno. A Commitee for the coordination among the A.E.P. and Psychodrama Trainers, and a Commitee for Foreign Relationships were founded. The onset of conversations between the representatives of the A.E.P. and the University of Salamanca was agreed in order to establish permanent training co-operation. The A.E.P.'s Excutive Board, Assembly of Members, and the Commitee of Trainers met convoked by the current President Antonio Pintado Calvo. There were ludic and cultural activities, like the coffee-breaks with drama plays, a Music-Poetic walking around the monumental town and the gala dinner. In press, the edition of a book with the contents of the conference, the A.E.P.'s archive, and unpublished papers from previous meetings compiled by Marisol Filgueira Bouza. The General Coordinator was Ana Ma Fernández Espinosa and the Scientific Coordinator was Ana Imańa Martinez..
        The next conference will be in November, 2004, in Pamplona, where they run the bulls.

He also reminds the readers of the big Ibero-American Psychodrama Conference, to be held in Mexico City, in May 4-7, 2005. Its web page is:
     Contact Jaime Winkler there at the Escuela Mexicana de Psicodrama y Sociometria. The other institutions in charge are the Brasilian Federation of Psychodrama, the Spanish asociation of psychodrama, the Argentinian society of psychodrama and the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama . I  don't think its too late to submit papers.

Also: The next Ibero-American Psychodrama Conference will be held May of 2007 in the lovely city of La Coruna, Spain, and the one after that, May 2009, will be in Quito, Ecuador

 November 2009:  Roger Schaller (SZB Bachtelen)" <> reported that there are 134 members in the association Pychodrama Helvetia PDH. Of these 134   there are 65 who practice in psychotherapy - the other are working as trainers, teachers, consultants etc. Nearly all of this 134 members are from the German part of Switzerland (only 10 members are from the French part (e.g., Norbert Apter - he is the director ao a psychodrama-institute in geneva). In the french part there are also psychoanalytic-psychodrama-directors: but they consider themselves more belonging to psychoanalyse than topsychodrama. I am member of the PDH comittee and there I am responsible for psychotherapy. -- Roger Schaller      Burgerweg 7, CH-2532 Magglingen, Tel. 004132 3223194
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       March, 2006: Geneva: "Norbert Apter" <> writes:  In 2005, a goodly number of psychodramatists from both the German- and the French-speaking  parts of Switzerland worked for several years assembling the data and collaborated for 8 months to build an application file–submitted in January, 06, to have psychodrama recognized in our country as a complete method of  psychotherapy. If  accepted, trainees in psychodrama would end up being recognized as  "Psychologist spécialized in psychotherapy through psychodrama. We recently submitted this application. Our goals included the elaboration of a training programm that suits both cultures as well as fulfilling the requirements of two Swiss associations of psychology or psychotherapy, one European, FEPTO and the Swiss Medical Federation (FMH). Credit for the work on this application should be given to Roger Schaller, Helena Brem, Suzanne Roth, Ingrid Sturm, Norbert Apter, and Jutta Fürst. The file (in German) is available from:

The German-speaking region is definitely the largest part of Switzerland. In the last 20 years, more than a hundred professionals  call themselves (classical) psychodramatists and are members of PDH (Psychodrama Helvetia). In the smaller French-speaking part of Switzerland, before 2001, there were at the most eight psychodramatists (including me), only one (myself) had completed a full training in psychodrama. Since then, I have trained 12 psychodramatists and am training 11 others. We use the method in a variety of contexts and with a wide range of populations.
        Although a number of  psychoanalysts use psychodrama in their practice but they do not consider psychodrama to be a full method. Even if they call themselves psychoanalytical psychodramatists, they consider their main allegiance is to psychoanalysis. Moreover, they use the adaptations of the method by Lebovici and others that began in the later 1950s.
(Nov. 2002): Jorge Burmeister <> in Switzerland writes:
     I am still working a lot on international level. The international group conference in Granada will take place in june 2003 for the fourth time which I organize including psychodrama (e.g. Jose Fonseca, Maurizio Gasseau, Jose Antonio Espina Barrios, Barbara Legeler, Helmut Haselbacher) as one of the key approaches.  See:   Beside this activity I will coordinate the meeting of the spanish psychodrama association in two weeks in Madrid, I am working a lot in Italy, Turkey and Finland. I am going to publish several articles and at least one book in the next months mainly on the clinical application of Psychodrama but also on, for example, the diverse action-oriented approaches in large group work. I am still chairman of the German association of group psychotherapy and group dynamic (DAGG) which includes not only Psychodrama but also Group analysis and other group approaches . Last but not least I am also active in the board of directors of the IAGP being one of the two co-editors of the Forum and chairperson of the committee of continuing education and training. In behalf of this function I would warmly welcome any contribution of yours - an original abstract - on any subject of psychodrama/group psychotherapy you want to share with our international group community.
     February, 2004: (Susanne Kunz) announces a new website for psychodrama there:

October, 1999: Elisabeth Pfaefflin <> writes: Among the German-speaking trainers, I estimate five or six– possibly some others in the  French and Italian speaking parts of the country. Our own training group has trained about 90 people through about 360 hours, and most of these then integrate psychodramatic techniques into a wide range of work situations. About 15 went further to certify as Psychodrama Practitioners or Trainers. There is a national psychodrama organization, PDH (Psychodrama Helvetia). An interesting application involves the use of psychodrama and History– since 1985–placing personal history in its broader historical context.

Chi-Chu Chou writes: Here is th
e psychodrama team at Chang-Hua Hospital:

from left: Chu-Ya Hsieh (Clinical Psychologist), Tzu-jung Lee (Clinical Psychologist), Sun-Yuan Liang (Psychiatrist, Deputy Director of the Department of Psychiatry. He is not a psychodrma director, but strongly supports the psychodrama work at the department), Adam Chi-Chu Chou, Ph.D., CP, PAT, (with jacket, trainer and supervisor of the team), Su-Feng Chiou (Clinical Psychologist), Chia-Jung Jao (Clinical Psychologist).

    In addition, here are some others:



 Others:  the two women from the right of the photo are  Chia-Mei Cheng (Clinical Psychologist) and Yu-Chien Tsai (Occupational Therapist),  and the man on the right photo:, Tsung-Chi Su (Counseling Psychologist)



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April 2013: Nien-Hwa Lai, Ph.D., TEP, writes: Psychodrama was born in Taiwan in the hands of a psychiatric doctor, Chen Chu-Chang. In 1974, after receiving the original copy of Acting-in (Blatner, 1973), he organized a study club with his colleagues at National Taiwan Univeristy Hospital. They performed uninterrupted weekly discussion and action practice for more than five years and laid a solid foundation of psychodrama in Taiwan for not only psychiatric therapy, but also school education, community services, enterprise training and correctional institutes. What also promoted the popular practice of psychodrama in Taiwan is the contribution of many foreign psychodramatists since the 1990s, in particular the long-term devotion of certified TEPs Gong Shu, Dorothy and Mort Satten, Kate Hudgins, as well as Pamela and Rory Remer. Zerka Moreno also visited Taiwan twice, respectively in 1996 and 2000. Their visits charged Taiwanese psychodrama with the authenticity passed on from J. L. Moreno. It is also under their inspiration that many local psychodramatists took part in ABEPSGP exams. As of May 2013, ABEPSGP has certified four TEPs, three PATs and five CP from Taiwan. There is also a Taiwanese director certified by Moreno Institut Stuttgart in Germany. Among them are several working in higher education, and thus introducing psychodrama to college and graduate curricula. Their academic roles also granted rigorous research work, producing more than a dozen dissertations and theses over the past decade. 

In 2010, this group of “new generation” Taiwanese psychodramatists further united our psychodrama community by founding Taiwan Association of Psychodrama to lead the comprehensive program of psychodrama training and development in Taiwan. The Association currently has about 80 registered members and more than 300 regular workshop participants. The Association also certifies trainers, directors as well as action group leaders and have now awarded more than 20 certified trainers and directors. Many Taiwanese psychodrama trainers also started offering training and education in China, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan, promoting psychodrama in other Asian communities with our experiences in Taiwan.  For more details, please refer to my article about recent developments in Tiawan to be published in this year's issue of the Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry.

 October, 2010:  Nien-Hwa Lai, Ph.D., T.E.P., an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Counseling at the National Taipei University of Education in Taipei, 106 Taiwan writes: Our Taiwan Association of Psychodrama was founded on March 27th, 2010, during a two-day conference in Tainan at the witness of 112 attendants. There are 65 members now, most of whom are professionals including psychiatrists, professors, clinical and counseling psychologists, social workers, nurses, school teachers, and graduate students.
    Psychodrama was first introduced to the Taiwanese society 36 years ago. In 1974, Dr. Ju-chung Chen, a psychiatrist, and his fellows in National Taiwan University Hospital read Acting-in by Adam Blanter and, after some exercises, organized psychodrama workshops for their patients in the Department of Psychiatry. Ever since, psychodrama has been promoted by many psychodramatists for a diverse spectrum of people in various healthcare systems, communities, schools, prisons, homes and corporations.
     Thanks to the great support from many outstanding psychodrama trainers who continuously offered excellent training programs and valuable advice. These people include Gong Shu, a pioneer Chinese American TEP, Kung Ning-Shing, Dorothy Satten and Mort Satten, Kate Hudgins, Rory Remer and Pamela Remer. Additionally, our eyes have been broadened with the visits of psychodrama trainers from around the world, including Zerka Moreno, Marcia Karp, Milton, Maryann (Mimi) Cox, John Nolte, David Kipper, Joseph Moreno, Charmaine McVea, Monica Zuretti, and Glenn Sammis..Currently in Taiwan, we have one TEP certified by the American Board of Examiners, and six Practitioners-almost-trainers. (There is also one psychodrama director certified by Moreno Institute Stuttgart of Germany.) A certification system for Taiwan Association of Psychodrama is now under development, in an effort to establish local recognition with international compatibility for the exchange and communication of psychodrama beyond geographical confines.
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   2005 : (See IAGP above- Pacific Rim Conference, Sept. 2005)   
7th Pacific Rim Regional Congress of Group Psychotherapy (combined with the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy) was held in Taipei, Taiwan, 24th-28th September, 2005  Theme: Containment with Courage in a Century of Challenges. This conference addresses the striking challenges in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorists attacks, the Iraq war, the outbreak of SARS and the tsunami disaster. The calamities that have had an enormous impact on our lives. This congress will present a remarkable opportunity for dialogue and working together.

Taiwan  (December 2004): Kate Hudgins reports from her visits from Taiwan that she and her team have visited five times, doing workshops and building increasing interest in the Therapeutic Spiral Method with clinicians there. Her recent books, have recently been translated into Mandarin Chinese by Chen Shin-Jaw, M.D. One, co-written with Peter Kellermann, Trauma and Psychodrama (2000), is still in preparation, and the second, more recent one, just by M. K. Hudgins, titled  "Experiential Treatment of PTSD: The Therapeutic Spiral Model, will be published in the late Fall. Plans are afoot for several more training sessions in 2005!

August, 2000: Dr. Chi-Chu Chou <> writes: We invite teachers on various aspects of counseling (other than psychodrama, also), and Dorothy and Mort Satten have been coming regularly for a few years. We have an ongoing training group of  35 students--many teachers and graduate students from teachers' colleges–in a closed two-year program. A second training group with 31 members has been organized, also a two-year closed group. Shu Gong (from St. Louis, Missouri, USA) also has been coming to our country twice a year, but working with other groups. Overall, in our country, a few people have accumulated over 300 hours of training-- some even with over 500 hours!
    For the Satten's two year program we've divided group members into four study groups. One study group with 13 trainees is in Taichung, near the center of Taiwan; there are two groups in Taipei of smaler size, and a small group of three students in Kaoshing.   People in each study group meets once a  month, practing psychodrama and sharing the readings. We all read Foundations of Psychodrama and Acting-In, the latter having been translated into Chinese.

 August 1999: Agnes Wu writes: Psychodrama was first used here in 1971. Now nine hospitals use psychodrama as part of group therapy. There is a local section of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy which met in Taipei and considered ways to promote psychodrama training and appropriate supervision. Ms Wu’s email:

Turkey:  Istanbul, January 2011: Deniz Altinay of the Istanbul Psychodrama Institute has news of several events. This year 15 psychodramatists and 20 co-psychodramatists have

graduated from our program as active directors during the Marcia Karp summer workshop in July 2010. Totally 66 psychodramatists and 104 co- therapist are actively integrating psychodrama in our institute. We are planning our coming Summer Conference with Paul Holmes, perhaps: It will be around July 2011..As a first step we have translated into Turkish translation of Paul Holmes’ book. (1992). The Inner World Outside: Object Relations Theory and Psychodrama and will soon be published in Turkiye with help of I.P.I.. We expect that this will add even more energy for our psychodrama community as well as building bridges to our colleagues in psychoanalysis..

 December, 2010:
The Istanbul Psychodrama Institute (IPI) was accepted as an organizational member for The European Association for Psychotherapy – EAP---, which means our training program is approved by this organizations. Thus, for example, our students can work as a psychotherapist in Europe, and it validates the professional standing of our institute. Deniz Altinay  wrote last year that the IPI and International Zerka Moreno Institute was founded by Deniz Altinay, and Nese Karabekir Ezgin in 1996. IPI is a member of ASGPP, FEPTO and EAP. Throughout those years, psychologists and psychological counselors have been trained as psychodrama group therapist and lots of them are still in training process in different levels.  We have created a psychodrama library which has included the dissertations written by our graduates, addressing a range of contemporary issues. A sample of these thesis are published as a book, a second one is on the way. The Institude training program involves different compulsory and elective seminars on psychodrama with very novel subjects. Our institute has actual departments for Group & Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy, Couple & Marriage Therapy, Individual Psychodrama, Child Psychodrama, Adolesent Psychodrama; Psychodrama in Education and with Business (Companies); Psychodrama in Pregnancy; Mother & Baby Psychodrama; a Testing Unit; and our Istanbul Playback Theatre.
    Over the last ten years we have offered annual summer (late July) workshops featuring guest trainers, Zerka Moreno, David Kipper, Marcia Karp, Anna Chesner, Chris Farmer, Monica Zuretti, Sue Daniel, Jacquie Dubbs-Siroka, Marisol Bouza Filgueira, Jacob Gershoni, Laila Kjellstrom, Eva Leveton, Louise Lipman, Joseph Moreno, Christina Hagelthorn, Sue Jennings, Peter Felix Kellermann, Yacov Naor, Elaine Sachnoff, Eberhard Scheiffele, Gong Shu, Bob Siroka, Ron Wiener, Paul Wilkins, Judith Tezsary, Liz White and Jeanne Burger.
    We have also developed our Istanbul Playback Theatre Company is established in 1999 by Deniz Altinay, since then performed at major theatres every month. Our Institude Publications include the following books by Deniz Altinay: Psychodrama: 400 Warm-Up Games, Basic Techniques; Handbook of Psychodrama & Group Psychotherapy , 2000;  Playback Theatre and Psychodrama Applications in Traditional Theater ( 2001). Child Psychodrama, 2007. And edited anthology: Selected Issues in Pyschodrama, 2004, Aura Publishing Company. For further information please visit IPI web page
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 2008: Historical Notes: In 1972, Dr. Özbek met Dr. Grete Leutz in Lübeck during a Psychotherapies Meeting. He was working in Germany as a professor of psychiatry. He started his own training with Dr. Leutz in Moreno Überlingen Institute. Coming back to Turkey, Ankara University, Dr. Özbek invited Dr. Leutz to Turkey for a couple of times for workshops and seminars. In 1984 the nucleus of the first systematic training for psychodramatic-sociometric group psychotherapies started in Ankara. This was also the start of the first systematic  psychotherapy training in Turkey. Meanwhile the Group Psychotherapies Association was formed in 1974 in and congresses were being organized. From 1984 on, these congresses are held in Bergama, in the ancient Asclepion each year with the participation of international psychodramatists and group psychotherapists. In 1986 Dr. Özbek enlarged the training program and training groups were formed also in Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa. With the support and contributions of Überlingen Moreno Institute’s trainers he managed to continue the difficult task of training in so many places.  Dr. Leutz, Dr. Franzke, Dr. Gerstenberg, Dr. Gneist were visitor trainers. Later Dr. Burmeister, Dr. Pinter, G. Ziegler, Dr. Gasseau,  J. Moreno were added to the list. The certification of first psychodramatists of the Institute was made with  contributions from the trainers of Überlingen Moreno Institute. First jury examination started in 1993.  Dr. Özbek died in June 2000.

1. Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psyhodrama Institute (Dr. AOPI) Until 2001 the training was provided by 3 associations in 3 cities:   TGPD, IPGD, IPD. In 2001 Dr. AOPI (Ltd) was founded by Inci Doganer, Aysel Özlü and Mehmet  Seraner. The total number of certified psychodramatists is 69. There are now 24 trainers and 14 co-trainers and 3 ethical committe members working for the Institute. Currently,  the number of trainees is 200. Recently the Institute started a training program in North Cyprus (KKTC,  as recognised only by Turkey) with 17 trainees.  The Institute is a member of FEPTO since 2001. Inci  Doganer and Arsaluys Kayir are now in the Council of  FEPTO.  There are 10 books on PD,  5 of which are translations, published by TGPD and Dr. AOPI. Psychodramatists has worked and  are working in many fields: In the co-treatment of mental illnesses like schizophrenia, autism, mental retardation,  bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse;  in family and couples therapy and in education.  There are also PD seminars directed in public halls in cooperation with municipalities since 1995.  



Address: Buyukesat Mahallesi Ugur Mumcu Caddesi No 98/2 Gaziosmanpasa Ankara Turkey

Contact Person: Dr. Inci Doganer    Address: 1735 sokak No 56/A Karsiyaka Izmir 35530 Turkey ;  Tel: +90 232 368  71 50 Mobile Phone: +90 532 413 75 18 Fax: +90 232 323 08 56

E-mail:     HISTORY: The training movement started with Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek. In 1972, Dr. Ozbek met Dr. Grete Leutz in Lubeck in a Psychotherapies Meeting. He was working in Germany as a professor of psychiatry. Being impressed by the psychodramatic method, he started his own training with Dr. Leutz in Moreno Uberlingen Institute. Coming back to Turkey, Ankara University, Dr. Ozbek invited Dr. Leutz to Turkey for a couple of times for workshops and seminars. In 1984 the nucleus of the first systematic training for psychodramatic-sociometric group psychotherapies started in Ankara. This was also the start of a psychotherapy training in Turkey. Meanwhile the Group Psychotherapies Association was formed in 1974 and Congresses were being organized. From 1984 on, these congresses are held in Bergama, the ancient Asclepion each year with the participation of international psychodramatists and group psychotherapists. In 1986 Dr. Ozbek enlarged the training program and training groups were formed also in Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa. With the support and contributions of Uberlingen Moreno Institute trainers, he managed to continue the difficult task of training in so many places.  Dr. Leutz, Dr. Franzke, Dr. Gerstenberg, Dr. Gneist were visitor trainers. Later Dr. Burmeister, Dr. Pinter, G. Ziegler, Dr. Gasseau,  J. Moreno were added to the list. The certification of first psychodramatists of the Institute was made with  contributions from the trainers of Uberlingen Moreno Institute. In 1996 the Institute started colloquia by it’s own certified trainers. Until 2001 the training  continued as an activity of the non profit organization Group Psychotherapies Association which later became Turkish Group Psychoterapies Association. In June 2000, we lost Dr. Ozbek the founder of the training organization. In 2001 a private company (Ltd) was founded by Dr. Doganer, A. Ozlu and M. Seraner. After the death of A. Ozlu the private company for a while was run by Dr. Doganer, M. Seraner and T. Bisalman.  Now, it’s run by Dr. Doganer, B. Simsek and N. Muhtar Uctum.  The total number of certified psychodramatists until 2006 is 69.     


Regional Coordinators: Inci Doganer, Arsaluys Kayir, Bircan Simsek

Training Coordination Committee Members: Ali Babaoglu, Inci Doganer, Arsaluys Kayir, Emre Kapkin, Bircan Simsek, Fatih Unal

There are in total 9 trainers in Ankara, 11 trainers and 8 cotrainers in Istanbul and 5 trainers and 6 cotrainers in Izmir. There are also 3 ethical committee members who are psychodramatists but not working as trainers in the institute.

Representation in FEPTO: Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute became a member of FEPTO in 2001 in France, the Grasse Meeting. Inci Doganer and Arsaluys Kayir represent the Institute in FEPTO meetings.  In 2004 Inci Doganer was elected as a Board member of FEPTO.  And in 2006, both Inci Doganer and Arsaluys Kayir were elected as Board members of FEPTO.


Admission: Medical doctors, psychologists, psychological counsellors, social workers and qualified nurses (educator, psychiatric nurse) are accepted to the program. A candidate is interviewed by the primary trainer and co trainer of the group.

Stages: (Revised in September 2004 to conform to FEPTO MTS)

Introductory stage: (48 hours): 40 hours of group work and 8 hours of theory.

Basic training stage (400 hours): It consists of 330 hours of self experience, 70 hours of theory (Theory of basic tecniques, overview on philosopy of Moreno, role theory, sociometry, group processing, sociodrama, psychodrama in relation to other models of psychotherapy, group dynamics, therapeutic factors and developmental theories). It lasts from 2 to 4 years. At least 48 hours of this stage is composed of seminars by other psychodrama leaders. The trainee should be a protagonist at least 3 times and should lead at least 1 times his/her own group. At least 3 protocol writings are supervised by trainers.  After evaluation by the trainers (% 50 weighted) and the group members, the candidate is qualified as a Psychodrama Assistant. With this qualification he/she can become a codirector for client groups.

Advanced training stage (480 hours).  At least 230 hours of 480 hours  consists of conducting inside the advanced group under the direct supervision of the trainers. There is a plus of theoritical work with a total of 50 hours. Of these 480 hours, at least 48 hours is in an open group with other leaders.  Before 2004,  own practice hours were 64 hours. We are gradually increasing these hours to conform to FEPTO standards. We are also trying to provide a room for individiual supervision sessions. From 2006 on, the own practice hours will increase to 160 hours. After this stage is finished the trainee presents the diploma thesis of his/her own group work in the colloquia. If accepted he/she is qualified as a Psychodrama Therapist (in the case of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and medical doctors in special cases) or a Psychodrama Leader.  With this qualification he/she can direct client groups. Some of the graduates are selected by the trainers and examiners for becoming a cotrainer in the Institute.  


Annual meeting in Bergama/Asclepion.


There are 11 books,  6 of which are translations,   published by Turkish Group Psychotherapies Association and Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute.


2. Istanbul Psychodrama Institute (IPI) and Istanbul Zerka Moreno Institute IPI was established in 1997 by Mr.  Altinay (MA) and Mrs   Karabekir (MA).  IPI has got 108 trainees currently.  IPI is a member of FEPTO.  The number of graduates is 50. Beside the traning program, the traditional summer workshops, conferences and weekend workshops are run. There are also elective seminars like child psychodrama, individual psychodrama, role prediction test in marriage, family tree and genosociograms and psychodrama. There are 5 books,  1 of which is translation,  edited Mr. Altinay. Istanbul Playback Theatre Company (1999) founded also by Mr. Altınay is continuing its performances at stage and trainings for everyone.

3. Umut Psychodrama Institute founded in 1995 is directed by G. Ziegler and Dr. E. Ziegler.

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Istanbul: Deniz Altinay <> writes. As of May, 2007, we have seven different training groups operating—almost 110 students—plus a waiting list! As we continue to develop our program, we are planning for another training for those about to become trainers themselves. We have several sections— Child group psychodrama; applications to schools and companies, and beginning couple and family psychodramatic therapy, and others.       Five years ago we began a troupe that practices Playback Theatre—our group has been named (In Turkish) “Tiyatro Gosterisi.”  We’ve done shows in Istanbul, Ankara and Diyarbakir, I am the main director of the group, we are working every week to improve their skills and one in a month we are doing a performance. The themes are coming from the audience and it is base on sociometry as it's nature, choices or roles !! no comedy at all !! as Moreno said it was a very serious business .
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     2005: Turkey: The Istanbul Psychodrama Institute has a new email address: Deniz Altinay ( e-mail:   web-site:   ) writes: The Istanbul International Zerka Moreno Institute announces its 2005 summer conference, August 2-4, at the Cesme-Altinyunus Hotel-Turkiye. Theme: The Healing Tree: the Roots of Dramatherapy, led by Dr. Sue Jennings, one of the pioneers of drama therapy. Plans are to explore the roots of dramatherapy in theatre practice, through metaphor and masks. We shall work through movement and dance, projective and theatre based methods and interactive storytelling. We shall explore the 'Great Story' in order to discover our own story.
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Turkey (May, 2004): Deniz Altinay, president of the Istanbul Psychodrama Institute  <> writes that he has recently written and had published a book with the translated title: "Creativity on Stage- Playback Theatre"). Istanbul: Aura Publishing Company. It involves some chapters on history, philosophy and techniques of playback theatre, using psychodrama in theatre and some new parts like; "using playback theatre in company trainings", "using psychodrama on stage decoration and clothing", "some scenes from playback performances in Turkey" and "the new performing techniques in playback". The book has been enriched by adding those mentioned sections and by revisions.
   ( related web page )
           In October, 2004, we published another new book on psychodrama titled "Psikodramada Secme Konular" (in Turkish)(Istanbul: Aura Publishers).  Also, the discipline of  Psychodrama, Group Psychotherapy and Sociometry has joined the program of universities in Turkey. One of our graduates of the Istanbul Psychodrama Institute, Anil Adanali Ko beker, has taught psychodrama for two terms a psychodrama course for (three hours a week) in Istanbul's Maltepe University, in the Department of Psychology.15 students participated, learning both theatrical and practical contents.      Istanbul International Zerka Moreno Institute    Valikonagi Cad. Y.K.B. Vakif Apt. No: 173 D: 4-9 Nisantasi - Istanbul, Turkey.     Tel: 0212 232 12 63 - 232 47 83      Fax: 0212 231 47 54
e-mail:  web site:

Turkey:  December 2004: Inci Doganer  <> writes: Mark your calendars: The 30th Annual Congress of Asclepios/Bergama/Turkey Congress of Group Psychotherapies will be held 25-28 May, 2005. (Hosted by the Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Istanbul Group Psychotherapies Association, and Turkish Group Psychotherapies Association. For more information, write:   or
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Turkey: Inci Doganer < > from Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, writes: We had our annual Group Psychotherapies Congress between May 29-31, 2003. This congress the 28th. And it is done in the ancient BERGAMA (Pergamon) Asclepion (One of the areas of the temples of the ancient Greek god of healing, Asclepius) for the 20th time. In this unique place we had group workshops under the tents and panels,  conferences and performances in the Asclepion Theater. The Congress is organised with the Turkish Association of Group Psychotherapies (TAGP) and Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute.
      There were very well known psychodramatists from the different parts of the world and also psychodramatists from Turkey as group leaders. Grete Leutz,  who with Dr. Ozbek is one of the mothers of the idea of doing a congress in such a meaningful place, the Asclepion, this year conducted a psychodrama group with 22 people and  gave a lecture on Moreno's philosophy, his overall approach to man's fate on this planet.
      Judith Teszary, who is the chairperson of FEPTO, conducted a group with 20 participants. The theme of both the group workshop and her lecture was "When words are not enough". She presented us the results of her reseach and treatment program at the National Institute for Psychosocial Factors and Health in Stockholm.
       Jorge Burmeister from Switzerland and I (Inci Doganer) worked together in the group workshop tittled "The Theatre of Oppressed" with 30 participants. Getting the inspiration from Augusto Boal's work we  had a 3 days workshop and then a performance was done with the whole audiance (all the participants and people from Bergama).
       Jorge Burmeister also had speech on "Soulless Bodies and Bodyless Souls. Psychotherapies in the Time of War". Joseph Moreno from the USA conducted the music therapy  workshop tittled "Acting your inner music --Exploring dimensions of music in group psychotherapy and psychodrama--which is also the title of Joe Moreno's book. Gunter and Elif Ziegler from Umut Institute/Turkey had a workshop on the theme "Improvisation and awareness". Their lecture was on the topic"power games and personal power". Ali Babaoglu's group workshop was on the theme "loving and separation"; Emre Kapkin worked with the theme "Dreams". Nevin Eracar also conducted a music therapy workshop.
     In addition to those there were two panel discussions. One was on "Psychotherapies and World Peace" (J. Moreno, G. Leutz, U.G risik and I. Doganer) and the other one about "Death and Love" (E. Kapkin, A. Babaoglu, A. Kayir ).
        During the congress time 4 different psychodrama books were featured: (1) Turkish translation of  "Acting Your Inner Music. Music Therapy and Psychodrama" by Joseph J. Moreno; (2) Turkish translation of "Fairy Tales in Psychotherapy. The Creative Use of Old and New Tales" by Erich Franzke; (3) "Deprem Protagonistleri" (Protagonists from Marmara Earthquake) by Inci Doganer; and (4). "Destek mi Kostek mi?"   by Inci Doganer. With 240 participants,  this 28th Group Psychotherapies Congress was a great experience inspiring the power of hope and of togetherness against deaths and wars.

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 (October, 2002) Deniz Altinay, the president of the Istanbul Psychodrama Institute (IPI) (Email:      <> ) wrote: We would like to share our latest news with you. Firstly, we would like to announce our guest Joseph Moreno who has run our weekend psychodrama training groups with 30 participants on the19-20th October 2002 . As most of you may know him, Mr. Moreno is a worldwide music therapist and psychodramatist. He had a lovely weekend workshop about applying music therapy mostly in psychodrama , also in dance therapy, art therapy. He presented his slide show and ran an experiential workshop–and his training enriched our experience.
   Secondly, we would like to announce proudly that Istanbul Playback Theatre company will start its performances in different theatre companies. We are so glad that Di Adderley from England will again work with our playback theatre performance team for one full day workshop.
      Lastly, in our psychodrama training procedure 37 trainees from Basic Level, 12 trainees from Advanced Level have just entered written examinations. we are hoping to certify them soon.

    August, 1999: Arsaluz Kayir, ( writes: Psychodrama began with Prof. Abdulkadir Ozbek in the early 1970s in Ankara, and more recently, centers for psychodrama training were founded in Izmir, Istanbul and Bursa. We are today about 15 certified psychodrama therapists who work in various universities, psychiatric hospitals and other institutions in Turkey. I work in the Istanbul University Medical School Psychiatry Department. We are part of the "Turkish Association of Group Psychotherapies" at <> or at  web-page: <>  which organizes an impressive conference rich in ancient historical associations.

Ukraine: In 2009, Marcia Karp writes and sends photos from her more recent training group!

Standing: .... Marcia Karp top right...   Others... ? ..... ?......?
Kneeling:   ... ?     ?

Psychodrama Students, 2009: Standing: . ?....?....?...?....?  
Kneeling low (bottom left, Pavel Gornostay . . .
Marcia has just been appointed an adjunct professor at the University there, and will teach a workshop every semester. In December offered an introductory day-long lecture-demonstration on psychodrama for fifty Ph-D candidates, graduate students and faculty at the University.
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Marcia (from England) has been training there and writes: In Kiev, in May 2008, there were 20 participants at my workshop. We worked from 11 am to 9pm, with breaks. Two of thr group directed with our long processing and I directed the rest of the time. This coming June 5-7, 2009, in Kiev, I will be directing another workshop on the theme of Psychodrama and Sexuality training. Everything is simultaneously translated by a doctor who works to supplement his income. Pavel Gornostay is also in our training group; he has secured the rights from Routledge for the Handbook of Psychodrama which is already translated and waiting for publication and my preface.
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Pavel Gornostay 2003: <email to: > writes that at present there are are three centers of psychodrama and three educational programs: The 1st group is related with the Psychodrama Institute for Europe (PIfE). We have PIfE certificates. We unite in the Kiev Psychodrama Association. KPA has hosted 2 conferences on psychodrama, it has a website and issues own journal. A third conference is being planned this coming September!
     Our trainers have mainly been from Hungary and associated with the PifE: Sharolta Onody, Gyorgy Adam Kiss, Kamilla Sarkady. Now we together with the Hungarian colleagues have begun to train 2 new groups of students (about 35 persons). Trainers - Julianna Hardy and Gyula Goda..
    The 2nd Training Program is associated with the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP). They were taught by the Austrian trainers EAP and they have EAP certificates. The majority of these psychodramatists unite in psychodrama section of the Ukrainian Society of Psychotherapists. The USP office is in Lvov. USP too have some educational projects (I do not know number of students). I do not know names of trainers.
    The 3rd group is related with the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama (MIGAP). They have MIGAP certificates and conduct educational programs. Nifont Dolgopolov supervises these programs. The most known trainers who led in Ukraine short workshops (2-3 days), this are Marcia Karp, Ildiko Mavers, Helmut and Sonja Beloch.
     Students study from about 15 books, mainly translations into Russian, including some by J. L. Moreno, (i.e., Sociometry; Theatre of Spontaneity; Psychodrama), and others by Gretel Leutz, David A. Kipper, Peter F. Kellerman, Paul Holmes, Marcia. Karp, Eleanor Barz, Renee F. Marineau, and Adam Blatner.
    Our website of the Kiev Psychodrama Association is: (In English:)    (And in Russian:     )
      Ukraine: 2005: <  Pavel Gornostay <> writes: We have about 170 people involved with  psychodrama. 57 are trained psychodramatists (14 certified by the Psychodrama Institute for Europe (PIfE); 14 -  certified by the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP); and 16 certified by the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama (MIGaP). Five are trainers; thirteen psychodramatists train psychodrama as co-therapists. About one hundred persons study psychodrama: 12 under program MIGaP, 33 PIfE, and 54 EAP. In Ukraine there are three psychodrama theatres and playback troupes (2 in Kiev and 1 in Lvov) in which are engaged about 30 persons, about half of them are psychodramatists.  We have the following psychodrama organizations: the Kiev Psychodrama Association (since 1997); a section psychodrama of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapists (since 1998); the Psychological Center of Organizational and Personal Development "NIKA" (since 2002). On May 13-15 2005 on 3rd Ukrainian Psychodrama Conference will be founded Ukrainian Psychodrama Association!  In addition, we began a  journal, (translated as) Psychodrama and Modern Psychotherapy, and since its inception in October 2002, we've produced about two numbers per year, so that now ten numbers of journals have been issued. The articles of authors from ten countries are in them.

There is a website of the Kiev Psychodrama Association: <>

Foreign experts did workshops and trainings in Ukraine: Marcia Karp (Great Britain), Jorge Burmister (Switzerland), Ildikó Mävers (Germany), Nifont Dolgopolov (Russia), and many experts from Hungary and Austria. On June 1 2005, Peter Felix Kellermann (Israel) will arrive in Ukraine.

USA: The next American Society for Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama national conference will be held April 27 to May 1, 2006, at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel near Union Square, in the best section of San Francisco, one of the most glamorous cities in the world!  Please mark your calendar, check with the ASGPP website:  for the call for papers, consider presenting, and at least attend!

Venezuela, May, 2001: Lucia Losada <> sends an update: about 20 people now are actively using psychodrama. The Venezuelan School of Psychodrama has 6 training directors, including Niksa Fernandez; Henry Gonzalez, Edwin Muńoz; Luis Caldera, Lucía Losada and about 45 students in training. They mainly use books by Adam Blatner, Dalmiro Bustos, Eva Leveton, Victor Dias, Rosa Cukier, Marcia Karp and Marineau’s biography of Moreno.. Last September (2000) a national conference in Caracas was attended by 40 people. We’re sending 14 delegates to the 3rd Ibero-American Congress of Psychodrama in Oporto, Portugal, in April (2001).

  Yugoslavia: " Multi-cultural Training Days:"
      The second 4-day conference was held also in Belgrade, mid-October, 2003. attended by about 40 therapists and psychodramatists-in-training, and led by seven trainers (all certified): (From Yugoslavia:) Vladimir Milosevic, Zoran Ilic, Zoran Djuric and Jasna Veljkovic; (From England): Peter Haworth; (from Israel:) Oded Navé; and (from Macedonia:) Svonko  Dzokic. One of the goals was to promote an encounter among people with various psychodrama-training experiences from different cultures.   The first of these conferences was held in Belgrade September 19-23, 2002 and attended by around 40 students and 6 trainers from Yugoslavia, England, Israel, Greece, Croatia and Scotland. It was hosted by  Dr. Vladimir Milosevic of Yugoslavia and Oded Nave of Israel. Other trainers included Peter Haworth and Dr. Susie Taylor of England, Zoran Ilic and Zoran Joric of Yoguslavia, and trainers and trainees from Greece.
      The structure of the main part of the conference involved (1) A morning psychodrama session with the entire community, followed by 45 min processing of the morning session. The processing session was conducted by an observer - a CP or TEP who facilitate the discussion. (2) Every afternoon 3 parallel on-site supervision sessions were conducted in which a trainee was conducting a psychodrama session and the work was evaluated and processed by the supervisor - TEP and the group. (3) The last element of each day was large group session for the reflection of the day events and dynamic. We were blessed with very unique phenomena in this conference. Quite a few afternoon sessions were conducted by trainees who were directing for the first time. Witnessing and supervising a trainee conduct a session for the very first time is a very special event and is evidence of the high level of trust that the trainees had in the process. In the last evening of the conference we had a farewell session. The evenings were devoted to informal encounters of participants mainly in restaurants.
     The next training is scheduled for October 14-17, 2004 in Zagreb, Croatia. This is a provisional venue. The final decision and program of the next conference is scheduled for January 2004.  (We're thinking of holding the Fall, 2005 conference in England.)  For more information contact E-mail Address or Telephone: Oded Navé, Israel:     00972-3-6812368
Vladimir Milosevic, Serbia:    00381-63-8050615
    The third conference was held in mid-October, 2004, in Zagreb, Croatia.

"Oded Nave" <> writes: The Third Cross cultural Training Days was held as an International Psychodrama Seminar, with the theme: "The Group as a Microcosmos". It was held in mid-October in Zagreb, Croatia. This group is sustained by the British Psychodrama Association-Oxford Psychodrama Group, Oxford, UK; the Croatian Psychodrama Association, Zagreb, Croatia; the Kivunim Training Institute in Psychodrama, Tel Aviv, Israel; and the Yugoslav Psychodrama Association, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro. For more information:  Email:
 Plans are made to repeat the mini-conference in October 16-20, 2003, in Thessalonka, in northern Greece. If interested, contact the hosts at <>  and/or  <vladapsi@EUnet.yu>
     Also, on Febuary 27-March 2, 2003 a workshop for trainers and trainees in YUPA (Yugoslav Psychodrama Asociasion) will take place in Belgrade. The topic of the workshop is "The integration of Expressive Art Therapy Models in Psychodrama". The main emphasis will be on  art, music and movment/dance therapies. The different models and theories will be presented in didactic and experiencial ways. The conductor of the workshop is Oded Nave, M.A, C.A.G.S. TEP, founder and main teacher and therapist of "Kivunim-Institut for Psychodrama and Group Work" and "Tel Aviv School for Psychodrama".  This is his 4th visit to Yugoslavia in the last year and a half.  Next year the seminar will be in England, 8-11 of September (2005)!

Serbia: Following a successful event in 2002, we has our second 4-day conference in mid-October,, 2003, in Belgrade, Serbia: Our "Trans-Cultural Training Days,"

Yugoslavia: Jasna Veljkovic <jasnapsi@EUnet.yu> writes: I am now (Spring, 2006) the co-president of the Yugoslav Psychodrama Association along with Zoran Djuric. We enjoyed meeting our colleagues from other countries at the International Conference in Oxford, England, in August, 2004, along with Vladimir Milosevic, a trainer in psychodrama and Dusan Potkonjak another trainer. While there seem to be about 20 psychodrama psychotherapists in our country (maybe less), there are many, many others who have taken some workshops and  practice the elements of psychodrama in their field of work, which seems to be true for most training programs in most countries..
      Our History:  In 1985. Dusan Potkonjak(psychiatrist), was working on the Institute of Psychiatry, in Belgrade(Yugoslavia). He  was on one International Congress in Psychotherapy in Zagreb (Zagreb was in ex Yugoslavia, at that time it was the same country, now Zagreb is in Croatia). He acknowledged there Prof. Dr. Andrew Powell. They made a contact. Andrew was at that time psychodrama trainer in Oxford. Dusan  invited him to come to Belgrade and make a workshop. In 1986, Andrew, came the first time in Belgrade and did the first workshop in psychodrama.
    Dusan started with his Psychodrama education with Marcia Carp and the late Ken Sprague, and then created the first Psychodrama Group in Belgrade, in the Autumn of 1986.The  group consisted of young doctors and psychologist.  Andrew Powell accepted to run education in Psychodrama, as a kind of overseas training and Belgrade School of Medicine-department of Psychiatry supported that as  a British Council too.
    Many of the BPA trainers were coming to Belgrade in the period from>1986-1993 and did the workshops with Dusan's educational-experiential group(Marcia, Ken, Mike Watson, Inece Buckley, John Casson, Rudy Neyeger..etc).In that group were: Zoran Djuric/psychiatrist, Zoran Ilic-psychiatrist, Vladimir Milosevic-psychiatrist, Zvonko Dzokic-psychiatrist and Jasna Veljkovic, clinical psychologist (me).   In that education, were people from the Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia.
    In 1990, our country began to disintegrate, the war started, and in 1993, Dusan moved to England, though he has been returning twice a year to Belgrade to give workshops. In 2005. he formed SPA-Moreno, his Psychodrama Center for education in psychodrama. I am one of the trainers in his school.
    One of our colleagues, dr Zvonko Dzokic, who finished education in psychodrama in Belgrade and is from Macedonia-Skopje, returned to his country. He formed Macedonian Psychodrama Association.  He wrote a book on psychodrama in Macedonia a long time ago.
     After Dusan left country, four of us formed the Yugoslav psychodrama Association. We passed process of grandparenting and become the member of FEPTO, EAP, IAGP. We have been training students for some time. Our supervisors since 1989 have been Susie Taylor and Peter Haworth, trainers in Oxford, who have given workshops for us and our students every year in Belgrade. Our training school is more oriented to the object relations school of psychoanalysis (as influenced by Melanie Klein), while Vladimir’s institute is more based on family therapy approaches.

We have published two books on psychodrama. The first, “Psychodrama I Sociodrama, by Veljkovic & Djuric, first published in 1998, is now in a revised 2nd edition, in Serbian language. Another illustrated little book simply titled “Psychodrama” was first produced in Serbian and is now being published in English by Jessica Kingsley in the UK. (It has also been published in 2005 by Daimon Publishing in Sao Paolo, Brazil, with a preface written by Jose Fonseca (in Portugese) It's translated also on creation language,edited by Alinea- Zagreb, 2004.  We are also editors of the first Psychodrama journal in our country, published in 2004, in both Serbian and English language!
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Susie Taylor of the U.K.(email:  ) has been one of the pioneers of training in this country. She writes in February, 2003 (and I have edited a good deal)  I first taught in Montenegro in response to a request by Dr. Dusan Potkonjak, who had heard of our traveling psychodrama group - we (including the late Michael Watson) had previously been to Greece on the island of Angestri and then to Finland. Periodic training has continued since then, with the groups growing nicely.
    In 1997 there was the First Balkan Psychodrama Conference in Ohrid, Macedonia. It is also important to acknowledge Ducan who began and completed his training here in England and started the whole psychodrama movement, as well as Andrew Powell, Mike Watson, John Casson, Marcia Karp and Ken Sprague who have all worked with these people.  I would encourage you to support work done in all the Balkan countries in any way you can.
         In the Spring, 2004, Maksimovic Aleksandar  <belmax5@eunet.yu > writes: Within the Yugoslavian Psychodrama Association (YUPA) there are about 55-60 people (including 6 trainers)–and most of the others are still in training. We also have about 10 people who finished 5 years (800 hours) of psychodrama training. At present, YUPA  has 5 teaching groups in Belgrade and one in Novi Sad (visiting trainers from Belgrade). And, of course, there is another one psychodrama group in Belgrade, run by Dusan Potkonjak (as far as I know he is BPA trainer), and this group is not part of YUPA.  YUPA is strongly connected with BPA, especially through Susie Taylor a trainer, who visits fairly often. Another trainer is Oded Nave, from Israel.
    We use a number of books, such as Kellermann's book, Focus on Psychodrama, Blatner's Acting-in, Paul Holmes The Inner world Outside, etc. Our trainers are: Dr Vladimir Milosevic, Zoran Ilic, Zoran Djuric, and Jasna Veljkovic. We have some articles published in various journals, addressing topics such as psychodrama in work with children without parental care; psychodrama with disabled persons (in wheelchairs); and applications with refugees and war victims.
August, 2000:  Zoran Ilic <zorani@EUnet.yu> writes: Several colleagues and I were in Cologne (Germany) for a three day seminar at Ella Mae Shearon’s Institute for psychodrama, organized by her and Urlike Blatter–who directs a humanitarian organization dealing with victims of war in formerYugoslavia. It was not only psychodrama seminar, but combined with other therapies, such as body therapy and Tai Chi, with a participants from Switzerland and Germany and Bosnia and Kosovo. Although the psychodrama part was good, it addressed mainly burnout and personal issues, and didn’t use sociodrama to go into the unresolved conflicts  between "ex-enemies". For several from Bosnia and Kosovo  it was their first psychodrama experience and they seemed excited by the power of this method. It is too early for us from Serbia to start any program there, because we have a lot to do here with victims of war and we’re also financially strapped. Ella would help with organization. We have offered some psychodrama programs for working with trauma victims in Serbia after bombing, some drug and alcohol prevention in adolescents etc. but due to political reasons western countries are not interested in it. So we are going to continue our work with several therapy groups and five education groups. Four of us became members of FEPTO.
       We are also preparing and organizing the International Congress of psychodrama in  September next year in Igalo, Montenegro. We also struggling with some political problems associated with publishing the first journal of psychodrama and war describing some sociodramas conducted both during the bombing here, and also after the war in Budapest and Bari (Italy).

August, 1999: Zoran Ilic (zorani@EUnet.yu) writes:  Psychodrama here began in 1958, when Moreno taught in Belgrade, although psychoanalysis remained the dominant mode. In 1986 Dushan Potkonjak reintroduced psychodrama in Belgrade and started he first training group, supervised by Andrew Powell of England. Since 1989 seven psychodramatists have passed the exam, but now only four continue to work and run groups here. Susie Taylor and occasionally others from the U.K. continue to train in Belgrade and Macedonia. Five training groups in Belgrade have more that 50 members, and the method is being used in treating a wide range of problems. In 1998 the Yugoslav Psychodrama Association was founded. The first psychodrama book in Serbian (by Zoran Djuric (zdjuric@EUnet.yu) and Jasna Veljkovic) was published last year, and we are planing to publish a journal.
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     If you have some news that should be added here, or corrections, please email me!

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