XI Meeting of FEPTO at Estoril, Portugal (April, 2003)

Taken April, 2003, Posted and revised 15 September, 2009 by Adam Blatner:  I enlarged these photos that I obtained from Michael Wieser's website.  (Please help me out by sending me names of people I don't have identified!!!)  The point is to promote face identification and it's a small way of promoting international psychodrama group cohesion.)  (Special thanks so far to Jutta Fürst, Pierre Fontaine, Kate Bradshaw-Tauvon, Pirkko Hurme,  for supplying names of people I didn't recognize.)

Back stand:  Horatiu nil Albini (Cluj, Romania)  Gordon Langley, Exeter, UK.; Hèlène Boitel (CH/Zumikon ;  Merzedes Lezaun (Spain/Pamplona); Julian Alberdi Méndez (Spain/Pamplona);  Pirkko Hurme (Finland)   Gro Slettemark, Norway
    Forward standing: Dorothy Langley (for several years served as FEPTO secretary) ;   Kerstin Buckley (Uppsala, Sweden) ;
(Back Sitting under Kerstin): Adriana Oachis (Rom/Cluj); Vanda Druetta (Italy/Torino); Ellynor Barz(CH/Zürich)
Front Sitting: András Vikár (H/Budapest); Jutta Fürst(Austria/Hall); Eva Fahlstöm Borg (Schweden/Uppsala);
Celia Scanlan (GB/Glasgow)   (Andras was president of the Hungarian Psychodrama Association)

Back standing:   Gro Slettermark (Oslo);  Michael Wieser (Austria/Klagenfurt);           Roberto de Inocencio       Gabor Pinter (Hungary)
Forward Standing : Galabina "Gabi" Tarashoeva (Bulgaria)   Jasna Veljkovic (Belgrade);      Aku Kopakkala,  (Finland).        Tone Bjorneboe (Oslo)     ?             ?
Back Sitting        Gretel  Leutz        Pierre Weil (Brasil)    Pierre Fontaine         Eva Roine
Mid Sitting    Celia Scanlan, secty FEPTO; Judith Teszary; Chantal Nève-Hanquet (Belgium) (treasurer FEPTO);         Ildiko Maevers          ?
Front Sitting   Arsalus Kayir (Turkey) ;  Luzia Mara Silva Lima (Lisbon);  Leni Verhofstadt-Deneve (Belgium/Ghent)

Top Back    Anja van Impe (Belgium)    ?          Jorge Burmeister       ?       ?
Standing:                Manuela Maciel    Antonio Roma Torres  Yaacov Naor       ?
Sitting chair       Nicole Saenen (Belgium)         Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger
On Floor       Renee Oudjik     Elizabeth Mlasko (CH), Verena Stamm (CH) ,  Susanne Kunz Mehlstaub (CH)  
 (Ajna & Nicole were psychodramatists and assisted Leni Deneve)
There are lots of other photographs on the FEPTO website mostly with the names on them:  http://www.fepto.eu/web/en/FEPTO_Conference/History_-_Photo_archive/  
and others:
