Cartoons from Medical School  (First Year)
Adam Blatner

(Revised, June 14, 2010):
When I went to med school at the University of California at San Francisco---they have a big ol' medical center there up on Parnassus Heights just southeast of Golden Gate Park---I would sometimes cartoon during lectures. Sort of multi-tasking. These came to be included in a yearbook we did for our class. (I don't think most classes made up yearbooks, but under the direction of the late Dr. Robert Rood, we did.)
        Here are some of those pictures:
See: 2nd year cartoons      3rd year cartoons    4th year cartoons

During the first semester we all took anatomy.
A recurrent nightmare still?
Around that time wind-up doll jokes and cartoons were funny.

 The neuroanatomy test would have these small bits of brain and we were supposed to identify them! Yikes!

You can see all kinds of other cartoons on this website!

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