Metaphysical Art Explained
by Adam Blatner
Posted September 4, 2013
There's this weird idea that God knows what He's doing and made
everything just right, no mistakes. An alternative interpretation
is that God creates through Himself becoming everything, a great
part of which doesn't survive into the next aeon. We see evidence
of profligacy and failure all around and it's okay. Several
hundred million sperm try and don't make it, but one does, at
least often enough to perpetuate the species. Flower seeds, tree
nuts, fish eggs, billions formed and very few carry on into
adulthood. No sweat, it happens throughout the cosmos.
Cybernetics is an activity whereby complex systems work. Through
many, many tries, one estimates the general goal, aims, tries,
misses the mark, notices that it missed the mark, re-thinks,
re-calibrates, tries again, overshoots the mark in the other
direction, tries again, assesses the error, re-aims. Ther error is
reduced each time. In artillery this is called "bracketing."
Eventually it's close enough to be called a hit.
My mandalas express a cosmic cybernetics. This is more in line
with the way things really happen. They're approximate, rather
than perfect. They get in the ball-park and are corrected further.
Here, for example, is a mandala of cybernetic manifestation.
This isn't easy. In developing cybernetic systems, whole
sub-systems or skill-sets need to be developed just to assess how
well a try did or did not succeed, and by how far was it off and
in exactly which direction. Related systems calibrate the next
effort which, early on, almost always overshoot a bit too much.
These are highly complex systems, please note, and distance and
other factors operate to make precision impossible. So we
approximate and repeat. Finally we get close enough so it works,
it's enough on target---but it's still not absolutely pristine.
It's amazing how much subtle variation can be tolerated for a
diamond still to be moderately pure, a house to be adequately
designed to protect from sun or rain, a living being can be
anatomically just a little off and still live successfully.
Cybernetic implies that the final created products arise from a
billion trial-and-error gropings as they were embryos, and when
they were little. And yet the cosmos is magnificent!